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Wednesday 4 May 2016

Daily Meditations AT PUNE RESORT

Daily Meditations

Daily Meditations

Daily Meditations

From 6:00 am until 10:30 pm every day, the OSHO International Meditation Resort offers a variety of meditations for every type of person, including methods that are active and passive, traditional and revolutionary, and in particular, the OSHO Active Meditations™. They mostly take place in the world's largest meditation hall, the OSHO Auditorium.
They include:
  • 6:00 am OSHO Dynamic Meditation
    A five-stage meditation consisting of deep breathing, catharsis, grounding and centering, silence, and celebration.
  • 7:30 am OSHO Talk (audio)
  • 9:00 am A different meditation every day of the week*
  • 10:30 am OSHO Vipassana Meditation
  • 12:00 pm A different meditation every day of the week*
  • 2:45 pm OSHO Nadabrahma Meditation
    A healing and centering meditation that involves humming and soft movements.
  • 4:15 pm OSHO Kundalini Meditation
    A four-part meditation including vigorous shaking of the body, celebrative dance, and silent witnessing.
  • 6:40 pm OSHO Evening Meeting Meditation
    High-energy dance followed by sitting with intermittent music, and continuing with an Osho video.
  • 9:30 pm A different meditation most days of the week*
* These include: OSHO Nataraj Meditation, OSHO Devavani Meditation, OSHO Gourishankar Meditation, OSHO Mandala Meditation, OSHO Whirling Meditation, OSHO No-Dimensions Meditation, OSHO Chakra Breathing Meditation, OSHO Chakra Sounds Meditation, OSHO Laughter Meditation, OSHO Darkness Meditation, OSHO Gibberish Meditation, OSHO Golden Light Meditation, OSHO Mahamudra Meditation, OSHO Heart Meditation, OSHO Laughing Drums Celebration, OSHO Awareness Techniques for Everyday Life, meditations from Osho: The Book of Secrets.
  • Also, three Silent Sitting meditations take place every day in OSHO Chuang Tzu Auditorium.
Most OSHO Active Meditations are accompanied by specially-created music which indicates the beginning of each new phase of the meditations and energetically supports each stage. These meditation CDs or DVDs, with complete instructions for the meditations, are available through our  online store; or for purchase at the Meditation Resort’s Multimedia Gallery during your visit.
"Don't try to be passive. How can you try to be passive? You can sit like a Buddha, but that passivity will just be skin-deep. Deep down you will be in a turmoil, you will be boiling, a volcano - you can erupt any moment.... People sit in Zazen for years...just trying to make the mind silent, and it goes on working, goes on working, goes on working.
"Hence my emphasis on active meditations. That's a balance. First be active, so totally that passivity follows automatically. When you have been active and the whole energy has moved, you would like to rest."   Osho

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